Welcome to the Tam Twirlers!

We are a Modern Western Square Dance club in San Rafael, California. We are a friendly group of singles and couples who love to get together to socialize, have fun, and dance.

Intro to Square Dancing Every First Wednesday

Interested in just trying out a bit of square dancing? This is for you! Every month we do a brief introduction before our club dancing. No partner is required — singles and couples are welcome.

When: First Wednesday of every month, 6:30-7:00pm
Where: 2675 Francisco Blvd, San Rafael (Marin Rod and Gun Club Dance Hall) Click here for directions
Cost: FREE

Do you think you have two left feet and can’t square dance?
Do you think square dancing is for couples only and you’ll be left out if you’re single? Do you think the music is old fashioned and only country? Check out our frequently asked questions to learn the answers and more!  If you have more questions contact Eric at eric@erichenerlau.com or (415) 997-3210.

Club Dancing

We dance the Social Square Dance up to Plus levels every Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:00 at 2675 Francisco Blvd, San Rafael (map and directions). Our caller is Eric Henerlau, a Corte Madera resident who has been calling since 1980. Guests are welcome, and you don’t need to have a partner.


Flutterwheel Fling Dance March 29

Lawrence Johnstone is calling our annual dance for SSD and newer dancers.

Location: Aldersgate Church in San Rafael

Time: 6:30 – 9:00

See our flyer for more details.

For more information on square dancing and classes, contact Eric by email or at (415) 997-3210.

Send any questions and comments about this web site or Taminations to Brad Christie.